Saturday, April 10, 2010
Believe! - a Retrospective
0"Yes," we completed the project "Believe!" in time for Easter this year. "Whew..." A lot of work, a lot of discovery, a lot of dedication, a lot of music...a GREAT team of people. The first question that must be asked when looking back on a project such as "Believe!" is this: "Was all the effort worth it?"
One person came up to me after the 2nd performance and said, (with tears in their eyes) "I rededicated my life to the Lord tonight--thank you for such a moving program." He wasn't the only "good" report that I heard, but just those few words seemed to justify the expenditure of time and effort. Of course we want our efforts to have an enormous effect on the whole world (at least that's the way I think); however, if we, through our presentation, changed the course of one life to serve our God and King, then our work was well worth the price.
I think the value of "Believe!" goes beyond the proclaiming of the gospel alone. Proclamation is absolutely important, but the team building and strengthening of relationships cannot be overlooked. I personally have a greater love, affinity, respect and connection with everyone who was a part of the "Believe!" team. Furthermore, I feel grateful to have the opportunity to serve with a wonderful group of people who are talented and possess beautiful character. For me personally, "Believe!" became a real labor of love.
Now we are shifting our effort to the production side of the project. We are planning to record both audio CD's and video DVD's for "Believe!" We will be aiming for top professional quality--knowing that the story of Christ's Passion deserves our best efforts. For all of you who came and watched--for all of you who participated--for all of you who continue to work with the production... Thank You!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Surely He Bore Our Sorrow
"Surely He Bore Our Sorrow" comes from the prophet Isaiah's prophetic words concerning the atoning work of Jesus Christ. It is a powerful song and one of my favorite songs in "Believe!" The song was written by Donna Anami and Val Dugone. From a visual perspective, "Surely He Bore Our Sorrow" is sung while Jesus is hanging on the cross with His mother and friends watching Him pay the ultimate sacrifice. It is a heart-wrenching scene, but, nothing compared to the real pain and real heart-break that happened in the actual event.
With all the violence that is portrayed in American television, movies and games, most of us are somewhat desensitized to the actual suffering that took place during the time of Christ's Passion. To think that God was willing to send His only son on such a quest to rescue "us" is a testimony to God's amazing grace.
Surely He Bore Our Sorrow: Written by Donna Anami and Val Dugone (C) 2004
Surely He bore our sorrow and carried our pain,
All of our sin upon His back had been laid,
The chastisement of the world was His,
Perfect Lamb of God weighed down by sin.
Surely He bore the wounds of weak, fallen man,
His body was bruised and torn, offered as a Lamb,
The chastisement of the world was His,
Precious Lamb of God weighed down by sin.
And by His stripes, We've been made whole,
He bore our sorrow.
And through His blood, We stand complete,
He took our pain.
Surely He bore our sorrow...
With all the violence that is portrayed in American television, movies and games, most of us are somewhat desensitized to the actual suffering that took place during the time of Christ's Passion. To think that God was willing to send His only son on such a quest to rescue "us" is a testimony to God's amazing grace.
Surely He Bore Our Sorrow: Written by Donna Anami and Val Dugone (C) 2004
Surely He bore our sorrow and carried our pain,
All of our sin upon His back had been laid,
The chastisement of the world was His,
Perfect Lamb of God weighed down by sin.
Surely He bore the wounds of weak, fallen man,
His body was bruised and torn, offered as a Lamb,
The chastisement of the world was His,
Precious Lamb of God weighed down by sin.
And by His stripes, We've been made whole,
He bore our sorrow.
And through His blood, We stand complete,
He took our pain.
Surely He bore our sorrow...
Friday, April 2, 2010
I Am the Resurrection
Several years ago I was working as the producer on an album for Daren Lindley. As I recall he wanted a song about the resurrection of Lazarus. I began to work on a song and "I Am the Resurrection" was the result.In the play Believe! this song is particularly effective, because, it has the scene of Lazarus being resurrected is integrated throughout the song. Can you imagine the mixed emotions as Mary and Martha took Jesus to the tomb of their dead brother and then experienced such an amazing miracle?
I was hanging out with Daren Lindley just a few weeks ago and he remarked that "I Am the Resurrection" is still one of his favorite songs to this day. One things for sure--this song acts as a wonderful foreshadowing of what happened to Jesus after the crucifixion and burial in the tomb. He fulfilled his words to Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life!"
I Am the Resurrection: Words and Music Written by RJ Dugone (C) 2004
There is a time appointed unto men, when we die, when we die,
But in the hearts of man a hope was born, long ago, so long ago,
Into the world came a champion of a man,
With fire in His eyes, He proclaimed to all.
"I am the resurrection, I am the life."
Jesus wept as He walked to the tomb of His friend, who had died,
The pain He felt was written on His face, with heavy heart Jesus prayed,
Then with authority, He cried, "Lazarus, come forth!"
Life rushed in victory, as Lazarus lived again.
"I am the resurrection, I am the life."
"And even death cannot steal you from my hands.
And the grave cannot claim you as its own.
I am, I am, I am the life."
I was hanging out with Daren Lindley just a few weeks ago and he remarked that "I Am the Resurrection" is still one of his favorite songs to this day. One things for sure--this song acts as a wonderful foreshadowing of what happened to Jesus after the crucifixion and burial in the tomb. He fulfilled his words to Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life!"
I Am the Resurrection: Words and Music Written by RJ Dugone (C) 2004
There is a time appointed unto men, when we die, when we die,
But in the hearts of man a hope was born, long ago, so long ago,
Into the world came a champion of a man,
With fire in His eyes, He proclaimed to all.
"I am the resurrection, I am the life."
Jesus wept as He walked to the tomb of His friend, who had died,
The pain He felt was written on His face, with heavy heart Jesus prayed,
Then with authority, He cried, "Lazarus, come forth!"
Life rushed in victory, as Lazarus lived again.
"I am the resurrection, I am the life."
"And even death cannot steal you from my hands.
And the grave cannot claim you as its own.
I am, I am, I am the life."
Your Will Be Done
Jesus was suffering from emotional pain as He faced the completion of His mission on earth. He told His disciples that He felt an over-whelming sorrow, to the point of death. It was in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus faced His greatest temptation, to drink the cup the Father had prepared for Him, or to turn away from the plan. As He prayed the capillaries in His forehead ruptured and it was as if He was sweating blood. His prayer was to the point: "Father, let this cup pass from Me; never-the-less, Your will be done.
Writing a song that captures the agony of those moments is a challenge. It is both a tragic and a triumphant moment. A situation with conflicting emotions. "Your Will Be Done" was written by both Donna Anami and myself. Donna wrote a beautiful, haunting melody which became the basis for the verses. I wrote the lyrics and then added the chorus which is the moment of victory in the song. When the choir joins in on the chorus it is a passionate endorsement of the Father's ultimate plan--which is to see the salvation of mankind and the establishment of God's Kingdom. (Picture by Allette Wellauer)
Your Will Be Done: Written by RJ Dugone & Donna Anami (C) 2004
Oh, Let this cup, let it pass from me,
Save me from the coming agony,
But if it's Your desire, that I should carry on,
Your will be done.
You gave me one mile, I'll walk the second,
Just show the way, You know I'll follow,
By the still waters or by the raging sea,
I'll follow you, Oh Lord, just show me the way.
All through this trial of water and of fire,
I've set my course, I'm gonna do Your perfect will,
So if it's Your desire, that I should carry on,
Your will be done.
All through the heavens, Your will be done,
All through the earth, Your will be done,
All through the nations, Your will be done,
Your will be done!
Writing a song that captures the agony of those moments is a challenge. It is both a tragic and a triumphant moment. A situation with conflicting emotions. "Your Will Be Done" was written by both Donna Anami and myself. Donna wrote a beautiful, haunting melody which became the basis for the verses. I wrote the lyrics and then added the chorus which is the moment of victory in the song. When the choir joins in on the chorus it is a passionate endorsement of the Father's ultimate plan--which is to see the salvation of mankind and the establishment of God's Kingdom. (Picture by Allette Wellauer)
Your Will Be Done: Written by RJ Dugone & Donna Anami (C) 2004
Oh, Let this cup, let it pass from me,
Save me from the coming agony,
But if it's Your desire, that I should carry on,
Your will be done.
You gave me one mile, I'll walk the second,
Just show the way, You know I'll follow,
By the still waters or by the raging sea,
I'll follow you, Oh Lord, just show me the way.
All through this trial of water and of fire,
I've set my course, I'm gonna do Your perfect will,
So if it's Your desire, that I should carry on,
Your will be done.
All through the heavens, Your will be done,
All through the earth, Your will be done,
All through the nations, Your will be done,
Your will be done!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Light Has Come
"Light Has Come" is the first song in the musical Believe! I first wrote the song in 1986 while playing keyboard and singing lead in a local Christian rock band called, "Point of Contact." I know...what a name. We weren't very good, but we were fairly ambitious. We were like a Christian version of Toto--a very poor version. Moving along, I write songs by necessity. Which means that I generally write songs when a project or a friend needs a song. Originally, "Light Has Come" was kind of an 80's rock anthem, with lots of driving analog synthesizer. Maybe a popular sound in the discos of Europe, but not the kind of music that thrives in America. (Which is a whole "nother" subject matter)
I put "Light Has Come" into Believe! on the basis of the lyrics. I felt that the lyrics set the stage for the rest of the musical by introducing the idea of light invading the world through the coming of Jesus Christ. The lyrics worked; however, the 80's feel of the song had a lot to be desired, so I started retooling the arrangement and even messed with the melody. The result is a song that has kind of a "Spiritual Man" feel to it. ("Spiritual Man" is a song on Toto's "Falling In Between" album) Here are the lyrics:
Light Has Come: Music and Lyrics by RJ Dugone (C) 2010
Light has come into the world, Jesus Christ, light up the world...
You know the world is dying, from self-inflected wounds,
Everybody talks about war and doom,
We need a miracle, we need a healing touch,
We need some good news now, or is that asking too much?
We are lookin' for the light in the darkness, the darkness,
We are lookin' for the light in the darkness, the darkness.
Well, I know someone, He is God's only Son,
He's the only way to a brighter day,
He is the solid rock, on which I stand,
He's the blessed hope, for every woman and man!
We are lookin' for the light in the darkness, the darkness,
We are lookin' for the light in the darkness, the darkness.
See the glory--see the glory of the Lord,
See the glory--see the glory of the Lord,
He shines so brightly in the darkness.
I put "Light Has Come" into Believe! on the basis of the lyrics. I felt that the lyrics set the stage for the rest of the musical by introducing the idea of light invading the world through the coming of Jesus Christ. The lyrics worked; however, the 80's feel of the song had a lot to be desired, so I started retooling the arrangement and even messed with the melody. The result is a song that has kind of a "Spiritual Man" feel to it. ("Spiritual Man" is a song on Toto's "Falling In Between" album) Here are the lyrics:
Light Has Come: Music and Lyrics by RJ Dugone (C) 2010
Light has come into the world, Jesus Christ, light up the world...
You know the world is dying, from self-inflected wounds,
Everybody talks about war and doom,
We need a miracle, we need a healing touch,
We need some good news now, or is that asking too much?
We are lookin' for the light in the darkness, the darkness,
We are lookin' for the light in the darkness, the darkness.
Well, I know someone, He is God's only Son,
He's the only way to a brighter day,
He is the solid rock, on which I stand,
He's the blessed hope, for every woman and man!
We are lookin' for the light in the darkness, the darkness,
We are lookin' for the light in the darkness, the darkness.
See the glory--see the glory of the Lord,
See the glory--see the glory of the Lord,
He shines so brightly in the darkness.
Friday, March 26, 2010
How Believe! Came About
As a pastor I care about presenting the story of the Gospel in such a way that it makes an impact on those that are exposed to it. I want those who are already Believers to feel renewed and to remember the atoning work of our Savior. I want those who don't Believe to see and hear the truth of what Jesus accomplished on their behalf. Some of the most powerful tools to reach people are film, music and acting. Believe! has all of these elements.
Several years ago (OK, a few decades ago) I used Jimmy and Carol Owen's "The Witness" as a tool to share the Gospel. "The Witness" was an amazing piece of art and a powerful presentation, but as with most music, it began to "sound" like it was produced in the late 70's. Donna Anami (My sister and co-writer) and I began to discuss about the need for an updated musical dealing with the Passion of the Christ. Believe! is a result of our efforts. It is 17 songs long...written and produced over several years...which makes it a real labor of love.
I feel strange talking about "my" own works of musical art. It is almost impossible for me to be an objective critic; however, some of the songs (both lyrics and melodies) still have the power to move me. Sometimes it takes an emotion expressed in art to reach past our rational thoughts and land in our hearts. It is my hope and prayer that our Lord Creator will use my feeble attempts to crash through the rational and emotional barriers that keep people away from the gift that God has prepared for them. I hope that many come to believe in Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God. RJ
Several years ago (OK, a few decades ago) I used Jimmy and Carol Owen's "The Witness" as a tool to share the Gospel. "The Witness" was an amazing piece of art and a powerful presentation, but as with most music, it began to "sound" like it was produced in the late 70's. Donna Anami (My sister and co-writer) and I began to discuss about the need for an updated musical dealing with the Passion of the Christ. Believe! is a result of our efforts. It is 17 songs long...written and produced over several years...which makes it a real labor of love.
I feel strange talking about "my" own works of musical art. It is almost impossible for me to be an objective critic; however, some of the songs (both lyrics and melodies) still have the power to move me. Sometimes it takes an emotion expressed in art to reach past our rational thoughts and land in our hearts. It is my hope and prayer that our Lord Creator will use my feeble attempts to crash through the rational and emotional barriers that keep people away from the gift that God has prepared for them. I hope that many come to believe in Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God. RJ
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