Friday, March 26, 2010

How Believe! Came About

As a pastor I care about presenting the story of the Gospel in such a way that it makes an impact on those that are exposed to it.  I want those who are already Believers to feel renewed and to remember the atoning work of our Savior.  I want those who don't Believe to see and hear the truth of what Jesus accomplished on their behalf.  Some of the most powerful tools to reach people are film, music and acting.  Believe! has all of these elements. 

Several years ago (OK, a few decades ago) I used Jimmy and Carol Owen's "The Witness" as a tool to share the Gospel.  "The Witness" was an amazing piece of art and a powerful presentation, but as with most music, it began to "sound" like it was produced in the late 70's.  Donna Anami (My sister and co-writer) and I began to discuss about the need for an updated musical dealing with the Passion of the Christ.  Believe! is a result of our efforts.  It is 17 songs long...written and produced over several years...which makes it a real labor of love.

I feel strange talking about "my" own works of musical art.  It is almost impossible for me to be an objective critic; however, some of the songs (both lyrics and melodies) still have the power to move me.  Sometimes it takes an emotion expressed in art to reach past our rational thoughts and land in our hearts.  It is my hope and prayer that our Lord Creator will use my feeble attempts to crash through the rational and emotional barriers that keep people away from the gift that God has prepared for them.  I hope that many come to believe in Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God.  RJ

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